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Comments: Sams Teach Yourself Core Data For Mac

Sams teach yourself core data for mac and ios in 24 hours, about features a complete, hands on, step by step guide to using core data with both ios and the mac; fully reflects ios 5, os x 107 (lion), and the new xcode 43, the greatest improvement in mac development tools in 15 years. Sams teach yourself core data.

Find more information about: ISBN: 7778 OCLC Number: 740622512 Notes: Includes index. Description: xv, 462 pages: illustrations; 24 cm. Contents: IIntroduction 1 Who Should Read This Book.

Core Data Swift

1 Some Points to Keep in Mind. 2 How This Book Is Organized. 3Part I: Getting Started with Core DataHOUR 1: Introducing Xcode 4 7 Getting to Know Xcode. 8 Goodbye 'Hello, World'. 8 Hello, App Development for Mac OS X and iOS. 11 Getting Started with Xcode.

13 Using the Navigator. 15 Using Editors. 25 Working with Assistant. 29 Getting Help in an Editor Window.

31 Using Utilities-Inspectors. 31 Using Utilities-Libraries. 35 Using the Text Editor. 40 Using the Organizer Window. 45 Summary. 47 Workshop.

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  • Sams Teach Yourself Core Data for Mac and iOS in 24 Hours This title is currently unavailable on myPearsonStore. Customer Care About Us Contact Us International Ordering Careers.

48 Activities. 48HOUR 2: Creating a Simple App 49 Starting to Build an App. 49 Building the Project. 52 Exploring the App.

58 Summary. 60 Workshop. 60 Activities. 61HOUR 3: Understanding the Basic Code Structure 63 Working with the Code. 63 Looking at Object-Oriented Programming in the Context of Objective-C. 66 Using Declared Properties.

68 Messaging in Objective-C. 73 Using Protocols and Delegates. 75 Using the Model/View/Controller Concepts. 81 Importing and Using Declarations in Files.

82 Summary. 83 Workshop.

84 Activities. 84Part II: Using Core DataHOUR 4: Getting the Big Core Data Picture 85 Starting Out with Core Data. 85 Examining Core Data at Runtime: The Core Data Stack. 90 Working with Fetched Results. 96 Summary. 99 Workshop.

99 Activities. 99HOUR 5: Working with Data Models 101 Making the Abstract Concrete. 101 Working with Entities. 103 Adding Attributes to Entities. 105 Linking Entities with Relationships.

107 Keeping Track of Your Data in Files and Documents. 108 Summary. 116 Workshop. 116 Activities.

116HOUR 6: Working with the Core Data Model Editor 117 Moving the Data Model from Paper to Xcode and the Core Data Model Editor. 117 Adding Entities to the Data Model. 119 Choosing the Editor Style. 125 Adding Relationships to a Data Model.

126 Summary. 132 Workshop. 132 Activities. 132HOUR 7: What Managed Objects Can Do 133 Using Managed Objects. 133 Deciding Whether to Override NSManagedObject. 134 Overriding NSManagedObject.

136 Implementing Transformation in an NSManagedObject Subclass. 140 Summary.

142 Workshop. 142 Activities. 142HOUR 8: Controllers: Integrating the Data Model with Your Code 143 Looking Inside Model/View/Controller. 143 Integrating Views and Data on Mac OS. 147 Integrating Views and Data on iOS. 151 Summary.

152 Workshop. 152 Activities. 152HOUR 9: Fetching Data 153 Choosing the Core Data Architecture. 153 Exploring the Core Data Fetching Process. 154 Using Managed Object Contexts. 158 Creating and Using a Fetch Request. 159 Stopping the Action to Add New Data.

161 Optimizing Interfaces for Core Data. 162 Summary.

168 Workshop. 168 Activities. 169HOUR 10: Working with Predicates and Sorting 171 Understanding Predicates. 171 Constructing Predicates. 177 Creating a Fetch Request and Predicate with Xcode. 178 Sorting Data.

185 Summary. 187 Workshop. 187 Activities. 187Part III: Developing the Core Data InterfaceHOUR 11: Finding Your Way Around the Interface Builder Editor: The Graphics Story 189 Starting to Work with the Interface Builder Editor in Xcode. 189 Working with the Canvas. 197 Summary.

206 Workshop. 206 Activities. 207HOUR 12: Finding Your Way Around the Interface Builder Editor: The Code Story 209 Using the Connections Inspector.

209 Using IBOutlets for Data Elements. 215 Summary. 222 Workshop. 222 Activities.

222HOUR 13: Control-Dragging Your Way to Code 223 Repurposing the Master-Detail Application Template. 223 Adding New Fields as IBOutlets. 230 Summary.

237 Workshop. 237 Activities. 238HOUR 14: Working with Storyboards and Swapping Views 239 Creating a Project with a Storyboard. 239 Swapping Views on iOS Devices. 241 Swapping Detail Views (the Old Way).

244 Understanding the Storyboard Concept. 246 Looking at the Estimator Storyboard and Code. 248 Creating a Storyboard.

251 Summary. 254 Workshop. 255 Activities. 255Part IV: Building the Core Data CodeHOUR 15: Saving Data with a Navigation Interface 257 Using a Navigation Interface to Edit and Save Data.

257 Starting from the Master-Detail Template. 263 Using the Debugger to Watch the Action. 267 Adding a Managed Object.

272 Moving and Saving Data. 273 Cleaning Up the Interface.

275 Summary. 277 Workshop. 278 Activities. 278HOUR 16: Using Split Views on iPad 279 Moving to the iPad.

279 Implementing the Second Interface. 281 Changing the Data Update and Saving Code. 284 Summary. 287 Workshop. 287 Activities. 288HOUR 17: Structuring Apps for Core Data, Documents, and Shoeboxes 289 Looking at Apps from the Core Data Point of View: The Role of Documents.

289 Exploring App Structure for Documents, Mac OS, and iOS. 292 Moving Data Models. 311 Moving a Data Model from One Project to Another. 312 Summary. 315 Workshop. 316 Activities.

316HOUR 18: Validating Data 317 Using Validation Rules in the Data Model. 317 Setting Up Rules in Your Data Model. 320 Entering Data into the Interface and Moving It to the Data Model (and Vice Versa). 327 Creating Subclasses of NSManagedObject for Your Entities. 331 Summary. 335 Workshop. 336 Activities.

336Part V: Managing Data and InterfacesHOUR 19: Using UITableView on iOS 337 Working with Table Views and iOS, Mac OS, and Core Data. 337 Comparing Interfaces: Settings on iOS and System Preferences on Mac OS. 339 Using UITableView Without Core Data. 344 Using UITableView with Core Data. 357 Summary. 360 Workshop.

361 Activities. 361HOUR 20: Using NSTableView on Mac OS 363 Exploring the New NSTableView Features.

363 Building an NSTableView App. 366 Summary.

373 Workshop. 374 Activities. 374HOUR 21: Rearranging Table Rows on iOS 375 Handling the Ordering of Table Rows. 375 Allowing a Table Row to Be Moved.

380 Doing the Move. 382 Summary. 391 Workshop. 392 Activities. 392HOUR 22: Managing Validation 393 Validation for Free. 393 Validation on Mac OS.


394 Programming Validation for iOS or Mac OS. 402 Summary. 407 Workshop. 407 Activities. 408HOUR 23: Interacting with Users 409 Choosing an Editing Interface. 409 Communicating with Users. 413 Using Sheets and Modal Windows on Mac OS.

419 Summary. 422 Workshop.

422 Activities. 422HOUR 24: Migrating Data Models 423 Introducing the Core Data Migration Continuum. 423 Managing Data Model Migration.

424 Working with Data Model Versions. 426 Using Automatic Lightweight Migration. 432 Looking at a Mapping Model Overview.

434 Summary. 438 Workshop. 438 Activities.

439APPENDIX A: What's Old in Core Data, Cocoa, Xcode, and Objective-C 441TOC, 778, Series Title: Other Titles: Core Data for Mac and iOS Responsibility: Jesse Feiler.

Book Description In just 24 sessions of one hour or less, start using Core Data to build powerful data-driven apps for iOS devices and Mac OS X computers! Using this book’s straightforward, step-by-step approach, you’ll discover how Apple’s built-in data persistence framework can help you meet any data-related requirement, from casual to enterprise-class.

Beginning with the absolute basics, you’ll learn how to create data models, build interfaces, interact with users, work with data sources and table views. Every lesson builds on what you’ve already learned, giving you a rock-solid foundation for real-world success! Step-by-step instructions carefully walk you through the most common Core Data development tasks.

Quizzes and Exercises at the end of each chapter help you test your knowledge. Notes present interesting information related to the discussion. Tips offer advice or show you easier ways to perform tasks. Cautions alert you to possible problems and give you advice on how to avoid them.

Learning Core Data For Ios

Jesse Feiler is a leading expert on Apple database development. Feiler has worked with databases since the 1980s, writing about technologies that have since evolved into Core Data.

Comments Sams Teach Yourself Core Data For Machine Learning

His database clients have included Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Young & Rubicam, and many small and nonprofit organizations. His recent books include Data-Driven iOS Apps for iPad and iPhone with FileMaker Pro, Bento by FileMaker, and FileMaker Go; and FileMaker 12 in Depth. Table of Contents.