Have you ever thought of the Egypt game? In the Egypt Game April and Melanie envent a game called THE EGYPT GAME.The game takes place at the Casa Rosada or the Pink House.The a little girl gets killed.So the Egypt gand can not finish their journey to Egypt.Do you think the Egypt Gang will finish their game?
In the dark trashy alley is were the egypt game all started.Melanie and April were very intrested in Egypt,so they started a game focesed on Egypt and they made a gang called THE EGYPT GANG.The members of that gang are,Melanie,April,Marshall,Elizabeth,Ken and Toby. In the Egypt gang their are a lot of uniqe people.April is a confident and courages person.Elizabeth is chinese,doutful and nice.Melanie is an African American,has braids on her hairand i helpful.Marshall is the sister of Melanie.Ken and Toby are in the 6th grade and are best friends.Every one of them were proud to be part of the Egypt Gang. The conflict of the story is when a little girl from the neighborhood dies.So the mothers of the Egypt Gang Members get worried so the moms get over protected.So their moms took them everyday to school and they did not let them play outside any more.Then their mothers forgot about that and everything went back to normal but it was December so everyone was so busy buying gifts.So the Egypt Gang did not play the game for a really long time. The Egypt game is a mystery book.It is based on a game called Egypt.The auother of this book is Zilpha Keatley Snyder.This auother really did take time to describe all the characters in thie book.This book takes place in the city.This book had an amazing plot and i give this book 4 stars.This story reminds me of 6th grade because we learned a lot about Egypt. THE EGYPT GAME!! Flag Abuse Flagging a post will send it to the Goodreads Customer Care team for review.
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The Egypt Game Video
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